History of a lucky boy and a princess

ONCE upon a time a Small boy he lived a village he named ROCKY do not like him everyone one day he has left the  village and went to a forest then some people one is asking one where is the Rocky and Rocky is wandering in the jungle he met an old woman, the woman asked the boy what is your name the boy said my name is Rocky the woman asked the Rocky where is your house and where is your come from then the boy said i do not remember anything then the woman said will you go with me then the boy said boy yes i will go i am very hungry can you give me some food please the woman said i will i have not any children i will make you look my son then he took her hose then gave some food then the boy finished eating after a long time the boy grew up and became a very strong young man there is a palace next to the village where the youth lived there there was a king and a queen who were very much in love in with each other they have a daughter she is very beautiful to look at one day she has been kidnapped by a band of giants then the king announced that who can bring my daughter i will give him whatever he wants even then everyone came to hear the announcement in between is Rocky the king  replied a again that anyone can bring my daughter and i will give him whatever  he wants giants give everyone a condition  to kill him if he can not the truth giants said an object walks on four legs in the morning,walks on two legs in the afternoon and three legs in the evening he used to say what it could be even then Rocky said hey donkey this is man, people walk on four legs in the morning, walk on two legs in the afternoon and walk on three legs in the evening , how is it that in the morning the childhood walks with his mother,my legs and my mother is legs were four legs and afternoon means young can walk alone old age means walking with a stick and his two legs are three in total then giants died in the fire Rocky then went to the palace with the princess,then the king asked Rocky,''Tell me what you want.i will give you whatever you want then Rocky said i don't want anything I'll take whatever you give me then the king announced the Reward in front of everyone i will marry my daughter to him and give half the property of my palace then Rocky was very happy to marry the queen and their says want well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
prince goalkhala bolg.com 


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